Intern at FUSION 360, Salt Lake, Summer 2016
If a student asked you about interning with FUSION 360, what would you say? This internship was really eye opening for me. I really took it upon myself to learn as much as I possibly could while I was there, and it paid off in big ways. Even though this was technically an internship at an advertising agency, my writing drastically improved as well as my critical thinking skills. I think that no matter what internship you are participating in, if you take it upon yourself to really learn and thrive, you won’t regret it.
What is your advice to future interns to help them have a successful experience? The best tip for success I got was to keep everything in perspective. Sometimes I was asked to do hard things or things I didn’t really want to do, but everyone has to do their time. When I started looking to just learn as much as I possibly could in the four months I was an intern, it didn’t matter what I was being asked to do. Look at your internship as a learning experience and a stepping stone for a future career. I was really really lucky and had a great internship, but I know of people who really struggled. Remembering that this is just a step to take you where you want to go is really important.
What was the most rewarding aspect of your internship experience? I produced hundreds of published content pieces throughout this internship, which was unbelievable for my resume. The contacts I was able to make though, were probably the best part of my internship. Because of those contacts, I now have more friends and a cool job!
Anything else you’d like to share about your experience? I had always heard, that as a student studying English, I was going to struggle to find a job when I graduated. Hearing this negative thinking from friends and students from different majors can definitely be discouraging, but it is completely untrue. I was able to use the knowledge gained throughout my major in about a hundred different ways at my internship, and that internship turned into a job. Never underestimate the power of your degree. English is a really important degree and there are tons of jobs out there for English majors.