This week has a couple of information meetings for prestigious internships with upcoming deadlines.

LDS Publications will hold an info meeting for internships starting January 2016 this Thursday, September 17. You can find them in B002 JFSB at 11am. They’re looking for interns in the following areas:

  • Social Media
  • Web Content
  • General Publications Editing
  • Design

Also on Thursday (and Friday), there will be information meetings for the prestigious Washington Seminar and the Utah State Legislature internships. You can find them in the following places:

  • Thursday, September 17, 11am 3228 WSC
  • Friday, September 18, 12pm 238 HRCB

All majors wanted for these two experiences. And the work’s not just in government. You can find opportunities in NGOs and non-profits, too.

Come find an internship that will put you on the map this winter, summer, or fall! Start planning your future this week!

Written by odhwp