The following is from the Ballard Center newsletter. If you’re focused on  your career making a humanitarian difference,  you should subscribe!

LDS Self-Reliance Services Internship

If you speak Spanish at the Spanish 321 course level, come and spend your spring/summer semester interning for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Self-Reliance Services–PEF in Latin America. Locations include the Dominican Republic, Panama, Peru, Argentina, Costa Rica, Chile, Bolivia, and Puerto Rico.


This internship will offer you an opportunity to help local members become self-reliant, enhance foreign language skills, learn about Latin America, and work in the area of international development. The cost is $3,200-$3,400. This includes up to full-time tuition, furnished housing, comprehensive health insurance and any visa fees. You will be responsible for the additional costs of your airfare, food, and local transportation. A $1,000 program stipend will be given to each selected participant. Other department, college and university scholarships and government financial aid may apply to the program costs. Click here to apply by the 15 March deadline. For more information, please contact Stacey at or Landes Holbrook, Program Director at

Written by odhwp