Internship opportunity on Capitol Hill—Office of Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)



Interns will be given real responsibilities in a dynamic Congressional office, receive training in current legislative and political affairs, and grow in leadership skills. Intern duties include attending congressional hearings, assisting with administrative tasks and policy research, communicating with constituents, and conducting media outreach.



Applicants must have completed at least one full year of college-level courses and be available to work full-time. We accept applications from all academic majors. Strong writing skills, attention to detail, flexibility, and conservative values are a must.


Application process:

We consider all applications on a rolling basis. Please send a one-page resume and cover letter to Our intern coordinator will then contact you to set up an interview.


More information about this opportunity can be found at:


We look forward to hearing from BYU students!


Written by odhwp