At My Story Matters, interns can work with nominees to help create their custom storybooks.  This process includes the following:

  • Working with a supervisor to determine how many nominations you would like to be responsible for overseeing
  • Contacting, corresponding with, and interviewing nominees to get the necessary information about their experiences and memories
  • Helping nominees obtain and upload photographs and assemble their information into a storybook template
  • Editing and modifying material so that it is accurate and meets approval of the nominees
  • Maintaining records of progress for each nomination
  • Corresponding with a supervisor as questions arise throughout the process

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Involvement in this process gives interns the opportunity to take responsibility for seeing one or several projects through to completion.  Interns gain valuable work experience by planning, scheduling, and overseeing a major part of the publication of each custom storybook.  Interns also gain insight into the lives of these precious individuals who are facing difficult challenges in life.

Some interns choose to be involved with administrative tasks as well.

For more details and to apply, visit

Written by odhwp