United Way of Utah County wants to give you the opportunity to hone your storytelling skills, no matter your major, and test them in the real world. We’re a local nonprofit that helps tens of thousands of people every year: the trick is getting these stories of helping into the hands of the right donors, volunteers and advocates.

united way utah co

That’s where you come in. Your assignment will be to go out and find stories, condense them into bite-sized packages, and send them out into the world to see how the market reacts.

If you’re in PR, marketing, advertising, English, humanities, or nonprofit management; if you’re excited to learn, excited to make a difference, and a good writer: we strongly encourage you to apply!

What They Offer

-4 training classes on creative nonfiction, photography, pitching to news media, and interview skills. Our trainers are Courtney Kendrick, blogger and writer; Bob Williams, publisher of The Daily Herald; Blaire Ostler, photographer; and Clint Betts, CEO of Beehive Startups

-5 networking lunches: just you and 2-3 other students and the chance to ask any questions to the top marketing/PR directors of Ancestry.com, MartizCX, Intermountain Healthcare, 97th Floor, and Nu Skin. Others may be forthcoming

-flexible hours

-possible college credit (most of our internships have succeeded in the past as counting for college credit; will depend on your college and major)


-a fleshed out portfolio of content that was used for real communications campaigns, including your own photography, written stories, and short video

-hands on guidance and experience pitching your stories to local media outlets

-an ability to track the success of your content so you can show proven, real-world results to future employers

-a deeper understanding of the nuances of nonprofit work, how stories play into fundraising, and the sense that you’ve really used your skills to make a difference


-Time: 5-7 flexible hours a week. You’ll need to be able to go where and when the stories are happening

-Tenacity: if you’d rather send an email and just hope for the best, this position may not be for you. The best candidates are the ones who get out in the real world and think creatively about how to get results

-Excellent writing skills

-A willingness to learn from failure and a passion for making a difference

How to Apply

Three spots for this internship are open until filled. Early application is encouraged. Hours are flexible based on your schedule and your fellow interns’ schedule. Training starts September 15th. Internship projected to end December 1st.

In order to apply, please send an email to michaelannb@unitedwayuc.org that includes:

-a writing sample (preferably for a non-academic audience, but we’ll take whatever you’ve got)

-a brief letter about why you want to do this internship and what you think you can contribute

-optional: resume/work history

All submissions will be responded to within 2-3 business days.

Written by odhwp