Arena Communications is looking for a paid intern ($12/hr.) to perform researching, writing, and designing political mail pieces. Most of their clients are Republicans. The company creates, designs, prints, and mails political direct mail for clients around the country, from local races to nationwide.
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An intern would be asked to help come up with creative ideas to turn in to a political flier, to be mailed to thousands of households. Ideally, the kinds of skills an intern would need to have/develop would be:
1) Creativity
2) Concise writing
3) Marriage of text and images
4) Passion for politics
5) Persuasive writing
Interns will gain unique insight into the real world of political campaigning, one you don’t see from following the news or volunteering through a campus or local organization. If a student has an interest in politics, or in persuasive writing, this would be the place to turn that interest into real-world ability.
Contact Andrew Welhouse if you are interested at

Written by odhwp