Future House Publishing is looking for interns in Fall 2016 and Winter 2017. Interns will get experience with acquisitions, editing, layout, marketing, and distribution. They will also be able to attend local writer’s conferences and Comic Cons on behalf of Future House Publishing.

We understand that students have to fit the internship between school and work schedules so our hours are flexible, but interns are expected to spend approximately fifteen hours a week in the office and to continue the internship for at least two months. There will be a weekly meeting that interns are encouraged, but not required, to attend on Tuesday afternoons.
Priority will be given to applicants who have taken Elang 350 or DigHt 230. Experience with Microsoft Word’s Track Changes is required and applicants with Adobe InDesign or Word Press experience are preferred.
To apply, send your resume to emma@futurehousepublishing.com
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