On-Campus Internships (OCIs) are student led (company advised) 15-week projects that are sponsored by companies and organizations interested in hiring or working with BYU students. OCIs are 3 credit hour classes focused on real business projects. While you remain on campus, you an work for companies located anywhere in the US or world. You meet periodically in class, but mostly you work outside of class (7-9 hours a week) with your team to get the project doe! It literally is an internship on campus.

Students will find that On-Campus Internships OCI 2017SIP 2017provide real-world experience, allow students to build a stronger resume, enhance their education by applying the principles learned in class, and help them land a job or full-time internship.  The projects we provide are open to all undergraduates across campus and have resulted in high satisfaction from both the companies and students.

Visit https://marriottschool.byu.edu/explearn/apply/student to view the current projects for Fall (more are being added all the time), and to submit an application.


Written by odhwp