This site is where we post internship opportunities as we learn of them. The most recent internship posting are listed first. Scroll down through several pages to see all your options, and check back regularly to see what new opportunities are available. You can also search by keyword to see what opportunities have been available in the past.
Not all internships posted are currently available. These posts can serve as a resource to students to learn the following:
- What types of internship opportunities are out there
- What organizations are working with interns
- What organizations look for in hiring interns
Some posts also contain contact information so that students can reach out to organizations to see if past internship opportunites will be available in the future.
The internships listed here are only a sampling of internship opportunities. Students often find their own internship experience, have it approved, and earn internship credit for it.
Internships must meet the following requirements:
- Provide at least 126 hours of on-internship work
- Provide professional (ideally project-based) work
- Last at least 8 weeks (consideration given for Spring or Summer term internships)
- Provide supervision and feedback from a professional in the field.
There are other aspects that must align with department and university policy, so please contact the English coordinator to make sure your experience will qualify.
Contact the English Internship Coordinator at trina_harding@byu.edu if you have any questions about internships or internship credit.
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