BYU has partnered with the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust to offer internships to up to three students a semester. These student interns work as fully-integrated members of the organization at the SBT in Stratford-upon-Avon, UK.
Possible work experiences at the SBT:
- Marketing
- Digital Content
- Curriculum development
- Nonprofit management
- Special event planning and promotion
- Access to the archives for personal research
Chelsea is an English major and worked as a digital intern in Stratford in Summer 2017. She worked on two social media campaigns and edited content for the SBT’s main website. She also started an analytics project and wrote biographical content on Shakespeare and his family. She researched the Trust’s campaign for Black History month, studying the performance history of Ira Aldridge, one of the first Black Shakespearean actors in England.
Courtney, another Summer intern, is a Theater Education major and worked with the SBT’s Education Team. She worked on a number of exciting projects–researching educational policy and law and writing about the history of the Birthplace and the Trust. She said she loved the variety of her assignments.
These two interns blogged about their adventures, discussing not only their work at the Trust but also their travels, restaurant reviews, tips for surviving summer in England (no A/C), how to score good theater tickets. Take a look at https://byuinstratford.wordpress.com/.
Read about another intern’s experience HERE.
For more information, visit http://kennedy.byu.edu/shakespeare-birthplace-trust/
Please contact the English Internship Coordinator at trina_harding@byu.edu or 801-422-8489 to learn more, for application instructions, and to find out about funding help available to students in the College of Humanities.
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