
As an English major, I am often asked what I want to do in terms of a career. This has been a difficult question for me because I feel pulled—and even a little stretched—by my many interests. I love literature, writing, graphic design and I’m fascinated by business. But I also feel a need to do something meaningful, something that will really help people. However, other than teaching—or more indirectly, writing—I didn’t see a whole lot of options for doing something meaningful that would make a difference. SIP showed me one door to that path. I got to design posters and brochures for a non-profit organization that uses rats to fight Tuberculosis and landlines. It allowed me to not only bridge the gaps between my interests but to employ them in the service of an organization that is making a difference in thousands of lives every year.

That is not to say that it was easy. Working with my teammates was a rewarding challenge. We were given a big project and we had to work together to figure out how to solve the puzzle we were given. It took a lot of work, a lot of cooperation, and a lot of teamwork. I learned more about my ability to effectively participate in a group as both a leader and a follower. I also gained a lot of confidence in my ability to adapt which is boosting my confidence in my future career opportunities.

SIP was an incredible opportunity for me. I was able to get internship credit, experience working in a professional field, confirmation of the adaptability of the skills gained from studying English,—i.e. critical thinking, organization, analysis, creative problem solving, and empathy—and a couple of epic pieces to add to my design portfolio all from this on-campus internship. I am so grateful for the opportunity and I am excited to see where the doors it has opened lead.

Visit to learn more about Social Innovations Projects.

Read about another SIP experience here.

Written by byuenglishinternships