byu pandg magazines

b y u   p u b l i c a t i o n s  &   g r a p h i c s  e d i t o r i a l  i n t e r n s h i p  o p e n i n g
Starting Winter Semester 2017
BYU Publications & Graphics, which provides editorial and design services for the university, is offering a paid editorial internship for a student who is diligent, dependable, teachable, and committed to working as a professional, entry-level editor. Interns at Publications & Graphics can expect to contribute by editing, proofreading, writing, and source checking for a variety of projects from across campus—weekly devotional addresses, the Marriott Alumni Magazine, fundraising materials, Performing Arts Management programs and reports, and others—and by helping in our quest to find the best doughnuts in Provo.
We would like to hire someone who can start winter semester. We prefer that our intern stay at least two semesters.


  • Edit and proofread
  • Gather and check sources
  • Write captions, blurbs, and social media posts
  • Fetch doughnuts


  • Solid copyediting and substantive editing skills
  • Confidence in writing
  • Familiarity with Chicago and Church styles
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Word
  • BYU student status for the duration of the internship
  • Basic knowledge of doughnut terminology

Job Info

  • $12 per hour
  • 20 hours per week, flexible schedule
  • Internship credit available
  • Questions? Contact Lena Harper at 801-422-1119 or

To Apply

  • Bring a cover letter and a résumé to Publications & Graphics, 218 UPB

(north of Harman Building; use east entrance); mark them Attn: Lena Harper.

  • Application deadline: 5 p.m. on October 26

Finalists will take an editing test, and top scorers will be interviewed. There will be doughnuts.

Written by byuenglishinternships