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Who should apply to the BOLD internship program?

The Building Opportunities for Leadership and Development (BOLD) Internship Program is a paid summer internship for rising undergraduate seniors (graduating April 2019) that are interested in working in full-time opportunities at Google. We’ve designed our program to expose historically underrepresented students in this field to career opportunities in the industry. Students from all schools, and students who identify with a group that is historically underrepresented in the technology industry, including but not limited to Black, Hispanic, Native American, students with disabilities, and veterans, are encouraged to apply.

How do I apply?

Read the information below and complete both Part 1 and Part 2 of the internship application. Please note that the application is open October 1st through November 12th, 2017.

What is the scope of the program?

BOLD interns are placed on teams across Sales, Marketing, gTech, and People Operations (Google’s Human Resources). Their work is core to Google and varies in scope and in length – ranging from the day-to-day work of a full-time Googler to a single long-term project lasting the duration of the internship.

What kinds of training opportunities are available within the program?

Outside of core project work, BOLD interns have the opportunity to take advantage of the learning and development programs Google offers. We encourage interns to invest in themselves and grow their personal and professional skills.

What happens at the end of the program?

Our ultimate goal is to bring great talent to Google. All BOLD interns will have the opportunity to be considered for a full-time role at Google.


Written by byuenglishinternships