The Writing Fellows are hiring for Winter 2018!
The Writing Fellows Program is a peer tutoring, discipline-based program which encourages and supports the development of mature student writing across the disciplines and the curriculum. As trained and skilled undergraduate tutors, the Writing Fellows work with faculty and their students on two class-specific writing assignments. By reading, commenting and explicitly focusing on long-term writing development, Writing Fellows contribute to the development of careful student thinking and writing and, as a result, support the aims of an undergraduate education at BYU.
Applications due Friday, November 10th by 5:00 PM to 180 HGB (Testing Center Building) or byuwritingfellows@gmail.com.
Information meeting this Thursday (Oct. 26th) at 5:00 PM in B002 JFSB
Check out writingfellows.byu.edu for more information.
*Enrollment in ENGL310 (Writing Fellows) fulfills the English+ Requirement
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