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Undergraduate internships in the L. Tom Perry Special Collections are designed to broadly introduce students to the fields of archives and special collections librarianship as they pursue their academic and career interests. Students who successfully complete the internship will experience the day-to-day operations of a special collections library, including collection development, outreach, and reference work, and will learn more about the professional skills and values of archivists and rare book librarians. Interns will also improve their library research skills, including primary source research skills, and will practice broad job-based skills related to archives and rare books.

Students may choose to apply for the Archival Internship or the Rare Books Internship

To learn more about these opportunities and how to apply, visit https://sites.lib.byu.edu/sc/policies-services/fellowship-internships/undergraduate-internships/.

Applications for Winter 2018 internships due November 20.

Written by byuenglishinternships