Internship applicants must be able to commit to at least one semester of service (or, in this case, both Spring and Summer terms) and work a minimum of 6 hours per week in their area of specialty. Specific hours vary according to Museum needs and student availability, within the hours of operation for the Museum (Tues-Sat from 10 to 5, Weds from 10-9). Internships are unpaid, yet offer valuable experience in a dynamic and professional setting. Interns gain a wide variety of practical experience in the Museum field.
The deadline for internship application submission for Spring/Summer is March 8, 2019, at 11:59pm. Interested candidates should apply on our website www.smofa.org under the programs>volunteer>intern tabs. After applying, they should email a resume with three references, a letter of intent, and a one to two page writing sample to atotten@springville.org. Applicants will then be contacted by SMA staff to arrange for an interview.
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