We at Project Work Groups (PWG), believe in collaborating, coordinating, and consolidating resources with people and organizations all around the world to build Sustainable Communities.

For us to benefit mutually from our activities we make sure our hires:

  • Receive educational, hands-on training
  • can meet academic commitments.

As an employer we strive to provide an educational experience that meets specific learning objectives set prior to the internship’s start.

Currently, we are looking for interns to start work Oct 2nd, 2019 or earlier. To apply to please email career@proworkgroups.com and mention the roles, semesters, and hours available in the subject line.

For example, Technical Writing Internship – Fall 2019 – (15-20hrs)

See the flyers below and visit www.proworkgroups.com to learn more about Project Work Groups.

Email career@proworkgroups.com for questions about the internship and meet with the English internship coordinator (trina_harding@byu.edu) to see about receiving internship credit.

Written by byuenglishinternships