Church Publications are hiring 10 interns each for Sp/Su and Fall 2020. These are premier internships that provide great experience in writing, editing, and design and introduce students to the world of publishing.
All internships are full-time, PAID, and located in Salt Lake City.
Internships are available with the Ensign/YA Weekly, Liahona, New Era, and Friend Magazines, General Publications Editing, Gospel Living, Web Content, and Church Magazines Design.
If you missed the on-campus information meeting, contact Trina Harding in the English Department (trina_harding@byu.edu) for and information packet and the editing application. Application timelines are also available.
Apply for internships by logging on to lds.org with your LDS Account. Click Employment at the bottom of the home page. Click “Search and Apply” under “Employment Opportunities.” Use the following numbers to search by job ID number.
General Publications Editing (Content) 250968
General Publications Editing (Production) 250973
Ensign/YA Weekly and Liahona 251086
Church Magazines Design 251092
Web Content 251091
Friend Magazine 251090
New Era Magazine 251089
Gospel Living 251093
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