Interested in building your writing portfolio? Get paid to write tax-related content similar to what can be read on Nerdwallet, Smartasset, or PCMagazine.

Looking to hire 5-9 students on a short-term basis to create this content and an additional student as a chief editor. Technical writing experience is not a requirement, however, the students would be expected to research the assigned topic and write at a 7-9th grade reading level.

  • 30 articles, 600-800 words, $40-$50 per article 
  • 7 software reviews, 1,200-1,500 words, $80 per article
  • 3 software comparison articles, 1,200-1,500 words, $80 per article

Each piece would be published on the client’s website with the student credited 100% as the author. The duration of this project is extremely short, as the deadline is March 13th.

Respond quickly if you are interested. Please submit a brief statement on why you are interested in contributing, a resume, and 2 writing samples to

Written by byuenglishinternships