This message is from A BYU English Alum who currently works with Bain & Company and is willing to answer questions directly. Contact the internship coordinator trina_harding@byu.edu if you’d like to be put in touch with her.
Hi Humanities Students!
Despite a disruption to on-campus activities given the rapidly evolving COVID-19 situation, Bain & Company will be launching a BYU-specific webinar series with members of the BYU recruiting team covering everything from how social impact cases work at Bain to how to ace a case interview. We are a people-driven business—we can’t grow without finding great new team members every year. No one knows what the future holds—but we remain excited to find the next class of future Bainies. Our commitment to recruiting on campus remains the same, even as we experiment with new ways to get to know you!
Below you’ll find information of the where, when, and how of each event. To RSVP to the events that interest you most, please sign up for a Bain.com profile using this link. Do not feel obligated to attend every event.
Note: To ensure a quality experience, several of these events have an attendee limit. We will be actively marketing our event set over the next few days, so if you are interested please RSVP as soon as possible to ensure a spot!
Presentation for Humanities / Poli-Sci students
· Join us for a session on how Humanities and Poli Sci students fit into Bain as Associate Consultants and more
· When: May 13th, 7:30pm CST (virtual)
· Sign-up link (on Bain.com): here
Case Interview Tips: Overall Structuring
· Join us for a session on how to approach overall case structuring during a case interview
· When: May 20th, 7:30pm CST (virtual)
· Sign-up link (on Bain.com): here
Social Impact at Bain
· Learn more about Social Impact at Bain & Company and why social impact plays a major role in our company and culture
· When: June 3rd, 7:30pm CST (virtual)
· Sign-up link (on Bain.com): here
Presentation for STEM students
· Join us for a session on how STEM students fit into Bain as Associate Consultants and more
· When: June 17th , 7:30pm CST
· Sign-up link (on Bain.com): here
Case Interview Tips: Math Structuring
· Join us for a session on how to approach math structuring during a case interview.
· When: July 1st, 7:30pm CST
· Sign-up link (on Bain.com): here
Diversity & Inclusion at Bain, Panel
· Learn how diversity is an enriching & energizing part of Bain’s culture and a driving force that helps us achieve our aspirations. Panelist discussion will be focused on the following Bain affinity groups: Blacks at Bain, Latinx at Bain, Asians at Bain, and GLBTQ Network at Bain.
· When: July 15th, 7:30pm CST
· Sign-up link (on Bain.com): here
Private Equity at Bain
· Join us to learn more about our Private Equity Group (PEG)
· When: August 5th, 7:30pm CST
· Sign-up link (on Bain.com): here
Women at Bain, Roundtable Discussion
· An opportunity to discuss a career in consulting, meet BYU alumnae at the firm, learn about Women at Bain (our affinity network for women) and discover how members of our team grow and flourish in both their professional and personal lives
· When: August 19th, 7:30pm CST
· Sign-up link (on Bain.com): here
About Bain & Company
As one of the world’s leading management consulting firms, Bain works with change-oriented executives at leading corporations, non-profits, private equity firms, and other organizations to deliver results that solve their most pressing issues. Consulting is interdisciplinary in nature, which is why Bain & Company values thinkers from diverse academic backgrounds who add significant value to our high impact work.
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