The Virtual Student Federal Service (VSFS) is an eight-month remote internship program for U.S. citizen students, college-level and above, who would like to make a real difference in the work of the U.S. government. Since 2009, thousands of eInterns have expanded the efforts of the U.S. government, working remotely from their school, dorm room, apartment, local library or coffee shop – wherever they happen to be! Virtual interns work only on unclassified projects. They report to their mentors at the Department of State and other federal government agencies in the U.S. and around the world by email, phone, or video chat. VSFS is managed by the Office of eDiplomacy in the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Information Resource Management. VSFS collaborates with federal agencies across government on this program.

What kind of work can VSFS eInterns do?

Projects run the gamut, from research to analysis to app development to graphic design to social media management and more. VSFS has something for everyone, which is why the program needs students from every major and background. Many of the projects are looking for writers, editors and storytellers.

How long are VSFS eInternships?

eInternships run from September through May of each year.

How many hours per week are students expected to spend on projects?

Students contribute ten hours of work a week on their projects.

Are VSFS eInternships paid? Are there employee benefits?

VSFS eInternships are not paid. VSFS eInterns are not federal government employees, so they do not receive employee benefits. However, VSFS eInterns can gain invaluable work experience through their remote internships and learn more about the federal government.

To learn more about the program, view the projects being offered, and see how to apply, visit

If you are interested in receiving English internship credit for this experience, talk to the internship coordinator (

Written by byuenglishinternships