Are you looking for a fun and convenient way to satisfy your English+ requirement? The Provo City Lab might be what you’re looking for!
Students in the Provo City Lab (ENGL 394R, 002) will use the design thinking process to work in teams and in collaboration with some of Provo City’s urban planners to identify local issues that they might address through urban design. Teams will develop and implement urban design projects through consultation with Provo City and local residents.
The course also focuses on helping students learn how to communicate the value of the skills/competencies that they have developed during their BYU education to others. Students prepare throughout the semester through written reflections and oral presentations for a mock job interview at the end of the semester. Many students have found this aspect of the course to be its most valuable one.
You might think of the Provo City Lab as a hybrid between a course and an internship. We will meet in a classroom on campus with some instruction about urban design early on in the semester from Dr. Jamin Rowan and Provo City planners. But students will spend most of their time working in teams and in consultations with Provo City planners and community members on their projects. Most students have said that the course is about as demanding as any other three-credit course.
The course will be taught in person (in the HBLL’s new Experiential Studio) on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 – 10:45. Feel free to reach out to Dr. Rowan with any questions (jamin_rowan@byu.edu).
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