Join us to explore internship opportunities, both local and outside of Utah. All majors are invited to attend. Congresswoman Mia Love offers two internships, a policy internship and a communications internship.


Our presentation will be offered by Kayla Herron, Staff Assistant and Intern Coordinator for Congresswoman Mia Love, Utah’s 4th District representative. Kayla will explore what congressional internships are like both in the West Jordan District Office and in the Washington, DC office. These internships work well for most majors, and their offices are eager to welcome students from a wide range of majors. Please join us on Friday, October 21st at 12 pm for this exciting opportunity in 1043 SWKT. 

What type of work is available in a Washington, DC congressional office?

Congressional interns compile research on legislative issues, facilitate and guide tours of the US Capitol, attend congressional hearings and briefings on various topics, meet with constituent and lobbyist groups, assist legislative staffers with policy issues, and answer constituent emails and phone calls for the DC office.

What experience will I gain if I intern in West Jordan?

Local interns for local congressional offices often conduct research, assist with constituent correspondence and business outreach, assist with town hall meetings or help with constituent casework.  We are a small office and we rely heavily on our interns to do substantive work that is integral to the Congresswoman’s efforts.

Upon completion of these internships, many students have the opportunity to apply for opportunities within our organization or with other prestigious organizations, and gain lifelong insight into how the United States Congress functions, expanding their knowledge of government and important policy issues.

Written by odhwp