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Intern Spotlight: Hannah Pugh at the Scottish Parliament

If a student asked you about interning here, what would you say? I would tell them it’s a wonderful opportunity well worth taking advantage of. It’s a great way to apply English major skills in a real workplace setting, a great byline on a resume, and it’s a really neat experience being independent abroad. What is… Read more »

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Baltic States Internships information meetings

Learn about the exciting English-speaking internship opportunities available in Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, and Russia Information Meetings: Monday, 25 September, 5:00-6:00, 3116 JFSB Wednesday, 27 September, 5:00-6:00, 3116 JFSB Thursday, 28 September, 5:00-6:00, 3116 JFSB Rather than limiting internships to a fixed number of providers, our partner institutions in each of the countries find you an internship that… Read more »

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Intern Spotlight: Katie Bowman at the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust

Intern at Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Spring 2016 “Interning at the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust will give you a peek into the unique world of cultural nonprofits. Working at SBT will put you in the proximity of many authority figures in the world of Shakespeare (and it is its own world) but because of the nature of… Read more »

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Intern at the World-famous Shakespeare Birthplace Trust–Apply now for Winter 2018!

  BYU has partnered with the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust to offer internships to up to three students a semester. These student interns work as fully-integrated members of the organization at the SBT in Stratford-upon-Avon, UK. Possible work experiences at the SBT: Marketing Digital Content Curriculum development Nonprofit management Special event planning and promotion Access to… Read more »

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English-Speaking Internships in the Baltic States

Intern in the Baltic States English-speaking internships available in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Poland. Gain valuable professional experience, while living abroad! Some of the internships opportunities available to English majors– Latvian Museum of Natural History Museum Website editing Museum of Decorative Arts and Design Museum Website editing Latvian National Museum of Art Museum Website editing… Read more »

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Apply for Fall Shakespeare Birthplace Trust Internships by March 15

The English department is currently accepting applications for the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust internship for Fall 2017 semester. Up to three students will have the opportunity to live and work in Stratford-upon-Avon. Apply before March 15! Details can be found here: http://kennedy.byu.edu/shakespeare-birthplace-trust/ Contact Trina Harding (trina_harding@byu.edu) or Professor Emily Petersen (emily.j.petersen@byu.edu) if you have questions.

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Intern in Spain or Portugal

Looking for an internship this summer? Attend the information meetings for internships in Spain and Portugal: Wednesday, Feb 8, 2pm in 3198 JFSB Thursday, Feb 9, 6pm in 3198 JFSB Spain Internships: Business, Engineering, Museums, Ministry of Education (all require advanced proficiency in Spanish language) Portugal Internships:  Investment Banking, Business, Neuroscience, Medical Research, Marketing, International… Read more »

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Wordsworth Trust Internship

Intern at the Wordsworth Trust in Grasmere, England, Fall 2017 The Wordsworth Trust in Grasmere, England, is one of Britain’s premier scholarly archives and literary treasures. The Trust includes Dove Cottage, the legendary home of Willian and Dorothy Wordsworth; the Wordsworth Museum, which specializes in Cumbrian art, history, and culture; and the Jerwood Centre, a… Read more »

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Intern at the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust

New International Internship Opportunity for BYU Students! Intern at the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust The English Department is proud to announce a partnership with the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust that provides up to three students each semester a chance to intern in Stratford- upon-Avon. Students selected for the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust Internship will receive the following: ·         The… Read more »

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Scottish Parliament

The Scottish Parliament Internship is still accepting applications for Winter 2017. Ideal applicants will be juniors or seniors with strong research and writing skills and a basic interest in politics or public policy. While this is perfect for students planning on law school or careers in public service, it’s also an excellent opportunity for students… Read more »